import and export
March 12, 2012 Views
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公司自组建以来,不断开拓市场,现已形成了规模化,专业化,国际化的服务实体,现在我公司的优势航线有日韩,东南亚,中东,中南美,欧洲,美国,加拿大等。公司可承接海运、陆运、空运进出口、中亚俄罗斯过境集装箱货物的国际运输代理业务。可为客户提供租船、订舱、仓储、中转、拖车、报检、报关、集装箱拼装拆箱、结算运杂费及相关的运输咨询业务。 multi-purpose consulting economic entities. Company followed a policy of "service not the best, only better," the purpose of carrying forward the "unity, truth-seeking, hard work and upward". With its own strict management and first-class service, to strive for progress, innovation, and strive for domestic and foreign customers with high-quality, convenient and efficient services. Cover part of its logistics by land, sea and air transport in the field of international and domestic logistics and distribution services, import and export cargo booking, storage, transit, customs and so on a full range of processes have senior experience. In addition, we provide consulting and development services, or to the complex logistics of the process of process reengineering. The bigger the customer supply chain more complex, we will be able to give customers become more outstanding results. Cheng Lung States is committed to provide customers with lines from the planning, freight accounts, loading, warehouse set, short split, customs, inspection, handling, transportation, tracking the full range of rich and efficient service. Is a young entity, with more vitality and conviction. Cheng-lung at the same time, is a very experienced team, our development is a gradual process of developing, and we look forward to your visit. ...