集装箱运输(FCL):利用青岛、大连、天津、宁波、上海等知名港口班轮密集的优势,配备内陆拖车、中港拖车和驳船接驳服务,不管船期要求多么紧迫,港通物流都能够为客户提供灵活多样的选择,包括不同的起运港口,如大连、天津、宁波、上海;不同的船公司WANHAI、YANGMING、MARESK、CNC、APL、OOCL、MSC、COSCO、NYK、P&O等,不同的截关期,从周一至周日。 Logistics sets up firm relationships and works closely with many famous shipping companies around the world, such as MAERSK, CSAV, RCL, COSCO, CMA-CGM, EMC, CSCL, MSC, which ensures that we have attractive ocean freight and plenty of shipping spaces. We have a lot of professional employees who have been operating export and import shipping business for a long time. We can offer a series of considerate international shipping services to our customers. Relying on our reliable domestic and international network, we can not only deliver CY-CY services from / to China to / from Europe, USA, Canada, Africa, central and south America, Mediterranean, southeast Asia, Middle East, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, but also provide our customers with customs clearance, Inland trucking(door delivery) and storage services....