Nogales International Forwarding

December 31, 2012 Views
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我司实力雄厚,信誉优越,人员设备精良,管理层次分明,分工详细,公司的经营原则: “您的信任是基础,您的要求是动力,携手鸿鹏,成就您的价值。”;我司热切期盼与各位客户建立长期互信,互惠,互赢的合作关系,平等协商,共创未来!
company authorized by the Foreign Economy and Trade Ministry. It is also one of the members of Tianjin International Forwarding Association. Since established, Giant’s business has achieved rapid development. With the operation spirit of“ Quick and High-efficiency”,Giant has created its oversea network agents at many destination ports, therefore it will offer customers the all-dimensional good service of door to door to satisfy customers’ needs completely.

