July 11, 2012 | tags | views
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一 . 提供一条龙优质服务,本公司有健全收件网络,免费专人专车上门取件
二 . 提供香港、台湾到付、月结、预付及全球航空,快递月结、预付帐号结算。
三 .为客户提供快捷查询,咨询服务,免费包装查询和报关。查询系统, 只要提供快件单号, 即能查询该件实时行踪。
四. 全体承诺:不求最好,只求更好,欢迎随时考察、指导、参观、咨询
Our people
we employ over fifty trained, dedicated staff. Directors and managers retain “hands on” control and are an integral part of a stable, committed and experienced management team. Our commitment to “Investors in People” demonstrates the value we place in our most valuable asset, our people.
二 . 提供香港、台湾到付、月结、预付及全球航空,快递月结、预付帐号结算。
三 .为客户提供快捷查询,咨询服务,免费包装查询和报关。查询系统, 只要提供快件单号, 即能查询该件实时行踪。
四. 全体承诺:不求最好,只求更好,欢迎随时考察、指导、参观、咨询
Our people
we employ over fifty trained, dedicated staff. Directors and managers retain “hands on” control and are an integral part of a stable, committed and experienced management team. Our commitment to “Investors in People” demonstrates the value we place in our most valuable asset, our people.