
October 27, 2015 | tags | views
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?????? 目前我司在俄罗斯的乌苏里、海参崴、新西伯利亚、叶卡捷琳堡、莫斯科、和圣彼得堡等多个城市设立的办事处,并开通了中国至俄罗斯的十几个主要城市的专线业务,并可以派送一百多个城市,构筑了一个完整物流系统。我司是一家以承办广州--俄罗斯--中亚五国进出口贸易、货运货代为一体的综合型国际货运代理物流公司。
?????? 我司提供中国至俄罗斯各大城市的铁路快线运输、北京经莫斯科各大城市的空运线路、和中国各大港口经海参崴到莫斯科各大城市的海铁线路。根据口岸优势结合行业特点,开发了服装、箱包、小百、大百、手套等绿色清关通道,为客户提供优质、快捷、安全的运输服务。在技术领域,始终致力于自主技术研发,采用国际领先的互联网技术,包括先进的共享交互网络、数据传输方案、分布式存储解决方案等,以满足大规模用户的各种复杂应用与海量数据交互。形成了收集、加工、包装、运输、销售等网络化的服务格局。price and high- quality service in terms kf port-to- port, container and bulk cargo shipping. With the long term cooperation, we have set up a good relationship with many famous carriers. Therefore, we can offer the competitive ocean freight to you, especially on middle east, red sea,north Africa and east of Mediterranean lines. we are more confident to meet different customers’ demands and improve services quality. Goldenway has good and reliable network with foreign partners in major over the world. We can provide individual multiform logistics service so as to handle your shipment as schedule in a safe way.


