November 17, 2015 | tags | views
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公司主要承办国际集装箱及各类货物(包括:普通货、危险品、冷冻品、大件货、散杂货等)的海陆空全球货代业务,包括:运价、订舱、文件、提运单、门点服务、代理结算等;代理货物的进出境申报业务,包括:进出口报关、进出口报检、保税进出境等; 代办各类货物的仓储运输业务,包括:仓储、运输、管理、保险、包装、集装箱的拆装箱等;参与物流及商务方案的咨询、建议、设计等业务。 Our hosts are the variance in bulk carriers and Panamax bulk carriers, shipping status of an excellent customer of goods in accordance with the actual situation, to provide charter booking, cargo tracking, and full service. Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa shipping route for bulk cargo customers at any time according to customer shipping time of shipment loading.
公司主要承办国际集装箱及各类货物(包括:普通货、危险品、冷冻品、大件货、散杂货等)的海陆空全球货代业务,包括:运价、订舱、文件、提运单、门点服务、代理结算等;代理货物的进出境申报业务,包括:进出口报关、进出口报检、保税进出境等; 代办各类货物的仓储运输业务,包括:仓储、运输、管理、保险、包装、集装箱的拆装箱等;参与物流及商务方案的咨询、建议、设计等业务。 Our hosts are the variance in bulk carriers and Panamax bulk carriers, shipping status of an excellent customer of goods in accordance with the actual situation, to provide charter booking, cargo tracking, and full service. Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa shipping route for bulk cargo customers at any time according to customer shipping time of shipment loading.