Air Transportation

February 16, 2016 | tags | views
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佛山古称季华乡。东晋隆安二年(公元398年),剡宾国(现克什米尔)的三藏法师达毗耶舍带了二尊铜像来到季华乡,在塔坡岗上(即今塔坡街)建佛寺,传佛教。他回国后,随着时间推移,寺宇倒塌[9] 。
到唐朝时,这里又变成了一片岗地。唐贞观二年(公元628年)某日,塔坡岗上异彩四射,乡人奔走相告。于是人们便齐聚起来,在塔坡岗上发掘,竟掘出三尊铜佛,搬开佛像,便有一股清泉涌出。根据碑文记载,得知东晋曾有剡宾国僧人达毗耶舍,在此讲经及建过经堂。乡人于是建井取水,并在岗上重建塔坡庙寺,供奉三尊铜佛。人们认为这里是佛家之山,于是将季华乡改名为“佛山”[9] 。
这就是佛山得名的由来。后来,世人传诵着这样一句谚语:“未有佛山,先有塔坡最早于1978年在北京设立代表处,并此揭开了在亚洲的发展篇章,目前在亚洲10个国家,建立37个站点,拥有1,200多名员工,使用仓库67,000平方米。在中国,Geodis 的网络遍布全国,我们的优势集中体现在可以凭借公司丰富的资源、广泛的网络和集团定价,为客户提供世界范围内的海运、空运进出口等全方位物流服务,并可以根据客户的需要,建造和管理仓库,为客户实现零库存管理! To best support your ever-changing logistics needs, we are continuously evolving our transportation services with the development of value added solutions, such as: capacity programs, direct delivery, time definite services, cross dock, temperature control, garment on hanger, charters and project cargo services.


As an IATA (International Air Transportation Association) agent for all major airlines, we provide a complete package of air logistics solutions. We understand that air freight is a premium and costly service, so our program focuses on quick transit and constant communication, combined with the ability to seize cost saving opportunities such as consolidation and intermodal options.


