April 4, 2016 | tags 海运 | views
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远空与欧美、南亚、中东、南美、北美地区的优质国际物流签订订了良好的合作协议,公司网络涉及全国各大重要城市,依靠着优秀稳定的运作资源、优良的物流网络系统、专业化的管理方法、一体化的物流服务,对全球物流资源进行整合与优化,为供需双方提供安全快捷的国际速递、空运、海运、进出口代理业务和拖车、报送报检、货物保险等综合服务,更专业的提供门到门、全球机场、会展中心、货站码头、以及电子商务、高端产品进出口等设计独特的物流解决方案!我们坚信在不久的将来,远空必将成为世界各地区域性物流公司普遍使用的全球性速递平台,随着远空进军跨国电子商务领域,在电子商务价值链上的不断扩展,远空也将成为中国最专业的 跨国电子商务物流供应商。We own 110 prine movers to transport the container between the inland factories and the major Chinese ports/cities.
Our highly flexible 24 hours services,sound financial background and efficient management to ensure your cargoes are timely received and shipped to or from any destination in the world.
Our highly flexible 24 hours services,sound financial background and efficient management to ensure your cargoes are timely received and shipped to or from any destination in the world.