May 24, 2016 | tags | views
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南美: 曼萨尼略,克萨尔,阿卡胡特拉,圣洛伦索,科林托,卡尔德拉,布韦那文图拉,瓜亚基尔,卡亚俄,圣安东尼奥,桑托斯,维多利亚,瓦尔帕莱索等
北美: 休斯敦,新奥尔良,纽约,费城,坦帕,洛杉矶,长滩,奥克兰,温哥华等
欧洲: 安特卫普,鹿特丹,利物浦,卡迪夫,维哥,热那亚,汉堡,拉斯皮亚,伊斯坦布尔,奥德萨,伊兹密尔,塔尔图斯,拉塔基亚等
澳洲: 布里斯班,墨尔本,悉尼,阿德莱德,弗里曼特尔,汤斯维尔等Direct LCL Service to Vladivostok, Russia:
Besides the FCL service as we operate Russia Far-east line for a long time, we can also offer the direct LCL service to Vladivostok with only 5-6 days and weekly schedule. Due to the stable schedule, fast voyage and the best price, to a large extent, we save the costs and offer the convenience for a number of small volume customers.
北美: 休斯敦,新奥尔良,纽约,费城,坦帕,洛杉矶,长滩,奥克兰,温哥华等
欧洲: 安特卫普,鹿特丹,利物浦,卡迪夫,维哥,热那亚,汉堡,拉斯皮亚,伊斯坦布尔,奥德萨,伊兹密尔,塔尔图斯,拉塔基亚等
澳洲: 布里斯班,墨尔本,悉尼,阿德莱德,弗里曼特尔,汤斯维尔等Direct LCL Service to Vladivostok, Russia:
Besides the FCL service as we operate Russia Far-east line for a long time, we can also offer the direct LCL service to Vladivostok with only 5-6 days and weekly schedule. Due to the stable schedule, fast voyage and the best price, to a large extent, we save the costs and offer the convenience for a number of small volume customers.